Monday, September 14, 2009

Exercise will kill you ...

or at least give you ultrasounds.

Back to the obs yesterday, back with cramping and bleeding and all the fun stuff. Bean's heartbeat had slowed down a bit and with the cramping etc, off to emergency ultrasound land. They couldn't find the bleeding, and the heartbeat had picked up again by the time I got there, so they figured everything was fine. It was a beautiful weekend here, and we were out and about most of it, so they figure I just overdid it with the exercise after the mostly bed-rest of the last few months. See, i knew exercise was a bad thing. Bean is measuring a bit small, more than a week behind, so waiting for the obs to ring to let me know that that's ok. Spot the wonder boy and I are both six foot or so, so unlikely that we are having a genetically small person. Spot thinks that I need to stop worrying about percentiles and is already planning on how he can help disguise report cards from me when they come home from pre-school with a C. Currently, the options include paper planes :)

Cleaned out my wardrobe on the weekend to make room for the new fat clothes (still not using the other word). I am surprised that I got fat so early, didn't expect that (even with the obsessive need to eat hot potato every day) but between two full stim cycles this year, plus mild OHSS I don't think I can blame it all on my appalling pregnancy eating habits, the plan was to get appalling morning sickness, now I have to do something that actually involves diet and exercise (once exercise goes off the banned list again). Go figure.

Apart from that - nothing to see here. Which is kind of nice, all in all.

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