Saturday, July 4, 2009

In beta hell

New beta is in - 183.

Still odd, they like it to double within 48 hours. This one, not so much, but its close. Annie is still on the fence, new beta in a couple of days.

P4 is 1563, yes it has gone up. My body really really loves drugs, I knew I should have tried the crack path. On the bright side, they think that I can probably sustain the non-viable pregnancy on my own at this point so I can stop using the pessaries and the pregnyl. On the downside, they think that the P4 is causing the cramps, and the bleeding.

I spend the day doing calculations on every website I can find, and trawling the net for beta stories. Oh boy, there are a lot out there. I draw comfort from the massive variation and the fact that so many different clinics have different threshholds. Well, as much comfort as can be drawn given the fact that I am obviously having another ectopic.

Spot does cartwheels and calls his entire family. I envy his positivity, even as I try to destroy it by explaining the 12 week rule and absolutely everything that can go wrong at this point. He listens patiently and says "but it won't". Hard to argue with that really.

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