Monday, July 27, 2009

Things you learn in Emergency Dept

1. Coffee carts arrive at 3am so that the night nurses get a break. Not bad coffee either.

2. Said night nurses get really cranky if you keep pulling out your canular so that you can go outside to have a cigarette, particularly if you keep bleeding on the floor (this I overheard, not experienced).

3. Radiographers are expensive and the Drs won't call them out for miscarriages.

4. Spot the Wonder boy gets cranky when they tell him to go home at 1am cos nothing is going to happen until 8am.

What they don't tell you in ED

Why you are currently bleeding to death, and whether your baby is still alive.

Still, good to know about the coffee.

In the end, they do an ultrasound (at a reasonable time when the radiographer feels like turning up for work), find a heartbeat and no blood around the uterus or fluid in my tube and send me home to bed rest with a diagnosis of threatened miscarriage.

Remember how, a few weeks ago, I ran into my boss at my clinic and was horribly embarassed. Now, not so much. He actually understands what we are going through and tells me to take as much time as I need on bedrest. This is possibly the worst week in the entire year for this to happen (cos, hell, there is a good time for a threatened miscarriage) and he makes me cry by being so completely and totally understanding.

Lots of phone calls back and forth between Sandy, the FS and me (its not that I don't believe the hospital, its just that, well, I don't believe the hospital) and I'm on bedrest.

Spot tries to ban me from Dr Google, Mama Bear just starts praying (she's good like that) and I rest.

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