Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2 week waiting

This has to be the worst week known to mankind. Sure, I accept that every person thinks that about their own personal disaster, but seriously, the 2nd week of the 2ww beats everything hands down.

Trying searching the internet - you'll see. All the way out there in webland are thousands of women who are usually happy, shiny together adults falling into small puddles of disaster, and frantically googling to check every twinge. Some women go the poas route, start testing, and then begin beating themselves up over the results - false negatives and false positives abound in ivf land. Or like me, the drugs prevent an even vaguely accurate result so I retreat into Dr Google and overanalyse every single symptom. And boy are there a lot of them this time round. Unlike the last round, where nothing happened (to the point where I felt like ringing the FS just to check that they really had put something back) this week I have cramps, spotting, tiredness, nausea, sore bits - a positive cornucopia of symptoms. And they all mean nothing!!!

My little ones are in there and have made up their mind one way or another. And there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. For a major league control freak that is slightly annoying. I honestly believe that it makes no difference whether you dance naked under the moon, eat everything in sight, don't eat anything, wear jade, find a fertility god of your choice, or just sit on your arse and cry. Of course, none of that helps.

Pray to whatever gods you believe in that we are all OK.

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