Monday, June 22, 2009

Life outside of IVF

Nope, fooled you, we dont really have one.

I promised myself that this time we would have a life outside of IVF, that I wouldn't become consumed while I was cycling, but I have come to the conclusion that the only way to do that is either not cycle or just go into an induced coma.

Which, incidentally, isn't such a bad idea. I wonder how you go getting yourself put in long term stasis.

Spot got promoted, which is fabulous, the bloating seems to have started to come down, which is also fabulous.

In an effort not to turn into a parody of myself where all I can talk about is my ivf, I have told hardly anyone about this cycle. It means that I don't have to answer questions and there is no expectant looks. Not my friends, not my family. Time enough for telling when there is something to tell. Last night at dinner with friends, I discovered that Spot does not feel this way, and although they respect my right not to talk about it, all are busily keeping track of every development through facebook and sms. I know we covered this earlier, but when is it ok to kill your partner :).

He has tried to explain it by claiming that extroverts (which he is) need to talk more than introverts (which I am), and that he can't help it, it just slips out cos he is excited. Uh huh.

Eggwatch Day 4 -
6 appear like they will make it to blastocyst, and the other two look like they will catch up. The scientist refuses to discuss how well they are doing, there is some fragmentation, but at this stage, there should be something to transfer tomorrow. My E2 is still really high, but my FS says that we should be able to sneak in a transfer and then deal with the OHSS if it happens, but the E2 has come down enought that it should be OK.

My poor little runt is still quivering away but it doesn't look good for him.

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