Monday, August 17, 2009

Road testing obs ... they come with ultrasounds

First visit to the first of the shortlisted obs today.

I like him, he was calm and patient and seemed to understand both my history and my Dr google fetish. He was curiously upbeat about everything, and had an ultrasound machine to show me that Bean is fine. He didn't measure or anything crazy like that, but the little thing looked bigger than last week, which helps. In a small moment of paranoia, the heartbeat looked slower, but Spot the Wonderboy didn't see that, and suggested that I was merely insane.

He gave me all his numbers and said "I feel confident telling you to call me at 3 in the morning, cos I am sure you wont need to, but I really don't mind if you do". Plus, he said that I can pop in for an ultrasound anytime I like (he even has midwife receptionists who can do them if he is around) and all in all, seems lovely.

This was the obs from the shortlist who is supposed to be obsessive-compulsive and likely to do every lovely reassuring test known to mankind. The other one, who I see next week, is supposed to be more able to deal with the Dr Google fetish and able to talk me in from the ledge when I find an obscure journal article from the Medical Society of Romania that suggests that 17 women who drank 4 cups of peppermint tea in 1966 all miscarried. But so far Dr Calm is winning, plus I like his receptionist/nurse and if IVF was anything to go by, I will spend far more time ever talking to her than I will to him, notwithstanding the extremely large sums of money that are paid for the privilege of leaving a message.

I also liked the fact that he looked tired, which the nurse said was because he had been up at 4 this morning delivering a baby. I have heard horror stories of obs refusing to get out of bed cos it was too cold (and lets face it, I live in the mountains, during winter, its freaken cold) or cos they couldn't be bothered. So, all in all, a good day.

In unrelated news, still bleeding and the cramps are still vile. I wish I could believe that this is just my version of morning sickness, but cramps and blood are never a good idea, notwithstanding what the witches tell you. I am getting closer to that magic marker - the twelve weeks, and I would have thought that the feelings of impending doom would be falling away slightly, but there is just so much that can go wrong in the next couple of weeks. This is when chromosomal deficiencies come in (cos my gene's are so fucking fantastic), plus the placenta has to kick in, plus well, the list is pretty endless. On the bright side, Dr Calm felt that there was no reason to discontinue the prednislone until after the 12 weeks, he said "There is no point taking away a safety net if it is just going to make you worry and stress you and the baby out". Take that FS with your blase "oh, you can stop that whenever you like, implantation is mostly over by now". Mostly, I ask you, Mostly?????

Oh, and Bean went to its first rock concert. P!nk, no less, so slightly cool. I stayed in bed all weekend, and rested and then went out. Of the house. For an evening!!! Baby steps, but I had bought the tickets ages ago in my "Fuck It All" phase, the one where since it was apparently obvious I was never going get pregnant, I decided that I would become one of those frantically selfish women that I hear are choosing not to have children cos it would destroy their thighs. I have failed to find any yet, but my SIL keeps assuring me that they exist. Since I couldn't have a baby, I would have lots of expensive wine, regular manicures, $200 haircuts (which did look fabulous), travel whenever I liked, and generally have a great time. Not, as my SIL decided, focus on being the best Aunt I could be. What I wouldn't do was avoid planning for events on the grounds that "we might be pregnant".

So there is a raft of social activities coming up, P!nk being the first, and she rocked. It was awesome and there was gushing. Although, I did have to nap, and there was some slight concern about the fact that it would be 10.30 by the time we got home, which incidentally, is nothing to do with the Bean and everything to do with the fact that I am just old now!! She danced, she sang, she did trapeze acts, what more do you want! I hope Bean enjoyed it, particularly now that the u/s confirmed that it didn't seem to hurt it in anyway. Maybe it was wriggling along?

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